The Civil Engineering & Construction Sector
Picture the London skyline: behemothic structures rising like latter day towers of Babel to unprecedented heights. Picture the structural designer: faced with the challenges of creating the frames for these monsters. Conventional sections no longer represent an option, but plate does. Our designer can fulfil his every wish with this medium and create fabricated beams in previously unimaginable sizes and styles. Asymmetrical castellated sections with flanges of 150mm thick and 2000mm deep webs are achievable in high yield and weather resistant grades. The world is his oyster, his dream is reality.
Our Steel Products for This Sector
EN10025 still remains the cornerstone of UK constructional steelwork but S275 grades are now marginalised as a policy of onwards and upwards is pursued. Grades such as S355 NL, S460NL and even S690QL are being specified in an ever increasing search for weight saving and/or greater strength. Of course civil engineering construction not only concerns itself with buildings, bridges too fall into its remit. Recent trends in bridge building show a growing performance for weathering steels in S355J2/K2W. These grades, coupled with the aforementioned ones form a significant part of Brown McFarlane’s ever evolving portfolio of the highest quality plates.

Our solution
Thinking big is key to successfully servicing this sector. It is not uncommon to encounter plate girders of 20000mm in length which have to be profiled from parent plates weighing up to 25 tonnes. Brown McFarlane has thought big. Single crane capacity of 30 tonnes (50 tonnes if doubled up) and cutting beds of 30000mm X 6500mm are found in Lady Well Works, where we process both plates from our own stock and free-issue material on behalf of our clients. Our ability to offer complex weld-prepping courtesy of our Messer infinity skew bevel equipment enhances the package.