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    A 300 series stainless steel less sensitive and more suited to elevated temperature environments (up to 900°C) when compared against the more standard austenitic grades (304/316). 321/321H has increased resistance to scaling and intergranular corrosion (versus 304/316 material) due mainly to its added titanium content.

    Grade              EN Steel Number          UNS

    321                  1.4878                          S32100

    321H               1.4541                          S32109

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    When comparing the chemical structure of 321/321H against standard austenitic grades such as 304/316 the main separating factor is the Titanium content, which is used as a stabalising element allowing the material to operate at a higher temperature range. The amount of titanium content required in 321/321H is indicative of the product percentage of carbon (Ti = 5 x C%).

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    The only differential between 321 & 321H is a higher carbon content (321H, 0.05% versus 0.04%), the increased addition of carbon in 321H allows for a greater creep resistance and higher strength performance in elevated temperature environments (above 530°C).

    Our stock range for 321/321H consists of material available from 6mm to 50mm thick and plate sizes up to and including 12m in length and 2.5m in width


  • Condensers
  • Heat exchangers
  • Filters
  • Pressure vessels
  • Valves
  • Flanges and fittings


Grade Chemical analysis PREN Mechanical properties
C Cr Ni Mo Proof stress Tensile Elongation
321 0.004 17.3 9.1 19 250 515-730 40
321H 0.005 18.5 9.5 19 250 515-700 40

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